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The causes leading to headaches

Headache is a common symptom in many people. The cause may be stress, anxiety, stress, etc. Or a headache originating from other serious illnesses. We need to understand well for effective preventive and curative measures. See more: >>>  The Hidden Passage to A Pain-free Future 1. Headache due to stress or stress Pressure work, too much thinking to make your head always in a state of stress, anxiety. The headache will appear often, which can cause dizziness. 2. Headache due to disturbance of living watches Changes in living watches are the cause of headaches, especially for people who often stay up late at work, move between places ... Often the headaches are insomnia. 3. Headache due to dehydration Drinking less water can also cause headaches. Lack of water makes the blood supply to the brain less, oxygen is not enough. This can cause frequent headaches. 4. Headache due to anemia Headache can be a symptom of blood disease. 5. Headache due to sinusit...
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Common knee pain - From CorePosture Chiropractic

1. What is the function of the knee? The structure of the knee includes: - Bone; - Cartilage; - Mechanical; - Ligament; - Close. The knee is an important part of the body. Knees support the body, allowing the legs to bend, bend, and straighten. The above parts work together] so we can walk, run, jump, ... in a flexible and easy way. Scoliosis Chiropractor Utilizing Chiropractic BioPhysics 2. Common knee pain 2.1 Arthritis in the knee The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Cartilage in the knee gradually wears off, causing pain. Another type of knee arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. When the knee becomes rheumatic, the knee becomes inflamed and cartilage can be damaged. Treatments for knee arthritis: - Use pain medication; - Physical therapy method; - Knee replacement surgery (only used when there are no other methods); - Exercise regularly. 2.2 Injury and cartilage disorders - Chondromalacia occurs when the cartilage in the kneecap ...

5 The main reason pregnant women suffer from back pain

Back pain is a symptom that does not eliminate anyone. Pregnant women also suffer from back pain. Statistics show that more than 50% of pregnant women suffer from back pain, at most during the second and third trimesters. The most painful area is the lumbar and pelvic joint. So what is the cause of back pain? Here are five major causes of back pain in pregnant women below. See more: >>>  What is the chiropractic method? 1. Pregnancy hormone changes Progesterone (a pregnancy hormone) causes ligaments - the connection between the pelvis and the lower back to stretch (ensuring fetal growth in the womb without being constrained by strong muscular system) ). When these muscles relax, the support for the spine weakens, so pregnant women often experience throbbing back pain. 2. The position of the fetus There will be back pain in late pregnancy. When the baby is in the womb, the position of the baby's back is the opposite of the mother's back, it will put a pre...

Chiropractic - Methods of protecting the health of your family

If you've never heard of the Chiropractic method, read this article right away: >>>  What is the chiropractic method? If you already know Chiropractic method, let us research about the benefits of Chiropractic to family health. 1. For adults in the family The adults often do housework or work at the company, have to regularly exercise, move a lot or sit too long, stand too much. This makes the spine more susceptible to injury, causing soreness. After many years, sitting incorrectly on a regular basis will cause the spine to be distorted in the vertebrae. This causes the symptoms of back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and especially increased stress levels, leading to deterioration of sleep quality. From there the bad influence of your life. By pinpointing the exact cause and problem causing these symptoms, Chiropractic's doctor will recommend the right course of treatment for each patient. Intensive treatment will help you reduce the feeling of pain and so...

What is the chiropractic method?

Many people still confuse physiotherapy and chiropractic methods. However, these two methods are completely different. The following article will learn about Chiropractic. 1. What is the Chiropractic method? Chiropractic is a manual manipulation of the spine and a biological or mechanical mechanism of the intervertebral disc. Means non-pharmacological treatment, encourages a natural recovery of the body. This is a cure for muscular system diseases such as spinal pain, shoulder pain, back pain, neuralgia, etc.It is often applied to degenerative disc diseases, disc protrusion neck and lumbar spine. 2. History of Chiropractic method Chiropractic's philosophy is that natural restoration was first developed in 1895 by Dr. Danniel David Palmer under the mechanism of energy recovery. The story begins when a deaf patient comes to find Dr. Palmer. Through examination, Dr. Palmer found that this patient had a head injury that resulted in deafness. It was a vertebra in the victi...

Does Back Pain Lead to Health Issues? Newport Beach Chiropractor

Millions of people suffer with back pain on a daily basis. And of those, over 80% take over the counter pain medication, prescription drugs, or consider surgery. The remaining 20% ignore their symptoms hoping they will fade away with time. Which almost never happens. The source of most back pain is spinal misalignments. A slight shift in the vertebrae or spinal column brought on by an automobile or motorcycle accident, a sports injury, work-place injury, or poor everyday postural (sitting / standing / laying down / sleeping) habits… or plain old gravity. These spinal misalignments (or what chiropractors refer to as Subluxations) put pressure on the delicate nerves that flow out of the spinal column, and start to cut nerve energy from reaching your limbs and organs. Imagine impeding the flow of water in a garden hose… or a sprinkler system. The grass, vegetation, and flowers that depend on water will start turning yellow, and eventually die. Just like water, nerve flow is essen...

Newport Beach Chiropractor Shares Health and Vitality Secret

Dr. Tyler Meier, respected Newport Beach chiropractor is among roughly 60,000 chiropractors in the United States who believe that spinal health is one of the most important factors in maintaining health and vitality. “Hundreds of years ago, Hippocrates said ‘look well to the spine for the cause of disease'” said Dr Tyler Meier. And because of those types of statements throughout history, Dr. DD Palmer and BJ Palmer (founders of the chiropractic profession 120 years ago) carried out thousands of experiments and studies, documenting the connection between the nervous system health, spinal health, and the overall health and well-being of patients. The results were astounding. Chiropractic care addressing spinal health and nervous system function dramatically improve patient lives, by not only eliminating the source of pain and discomfort, but more importantly allowing the body to heal itself and grow stronger. Learn more >>>